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Александр Краснов (Alexander Krasnov)

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Александр Иванович
Alexander I. Krasnov

Работы автора. Paintings

1963 г. Родился в городе Ленинграде. 1978-1981 г. Ленинградское реставрационное училище.1987-1992 г. Красноярское художественное училище им. В.И.Сурикова.С 1988 г. года участвует в городских, краевых и региональных выставках.1997 г. Награжден специальной премией японской фирмы «Фукуока Сокен» за создание фантастических персонажей.1999 г. Получил Гран-при на Всероссийском художественном конкурсе, награжден поездкой в Париж.С 2000 г. – член Союза художников России.2001 г. Лауреат приза «Наследие», в номинации живопись. 2002 г. Участник проекта «Сто художников Сибири».2005 г. Персональная выставка «Неземные соседи». 2004, 2006, 2007 г. - участник регионального пленэра «Саянское кольцо».«Я представляю миры, невидимые глазу, но которые становятся доступными благодаря полёту мысли. Это возможно - мысленно облететь Вселенную и вернуться на Землю с новыми впечатлениями. Разве не за ними мы пускаемся в путешествия по странам и континентам? В одной только нашей галактике может существовать несколько тысяч миров. А во Вселенной мириады таких галактик, как наша. Это даёт возможность думать, что мы не одиноки, просто великие расстояния усложняют общение между цивилизациями.»Участник международных, Всероссийских, краевых, региональных, городских выставок. Провел пять персональных выставок.
Born in 1963 in Leningrad.
1978-1981, Leningrad Restoration College.
1987-1992 Krasnoyarsk art College VI.Surikov
Since 1988 he participates in the city and regional exhibitions.
1997 Awarded a special prize of Japanese firms "Fukuoka Soken" for creating fantastic characters.
1999 won the Grand Prix at the Russian Art Competition, was awarded a trip to Paris.
Since 2000 - Member of the Union of Russian Artists.
2001 Winner of Heritage "in the category of painting.
2002 Member of "One Hundred Artists Siberia.
2005 Solo exhibition "Unearthly Neighbors".
2004, 2006, 2007 - member of the regional open-air "Sayan Ring".
"I can imagine worlds that are invisible to the eye but which become available due to the flight of thought. It"s possible - mentally fly around the universe and return to Earth with new impressions. Is it not for them we travel through countries and continents? In our galaxy alone, there can be several thousand worlds. And in the universe of myriad galaxies like ours. This makes it possible to think that we are not alone, just the great distances make it difficult dialogue among civilizations. "
Participant in international, Russian, regional, urban exhibitions. Has held five solo exhibitions.

Born in 1963 in Leningrad.
1978-1981, Leningrad Restoration College.
1987-1992 Krasnoyarsk art College VI.Surikov
Since 1988 he participates in the city and regional exhibitions.
1997 Awarded a special prize of Japanese firms "Fukuoka Soken" for creating fantastic characters.
1999 won the Grand Prix at the Russian Art Competition, was awarded a trip to Paris.
Since 2000 - Member of the Union of Russian Artists.
2001 Winner of Heritage "in the category of painting.
2002 Member of "One Hundred Artists Siberia.
2005 Solo exhibition "Unearthly Neighbors".
2004, 2006, 2007 - member of the regional open-air "Sayan Ring".
"I can imagine worlds that are invisible to the eye but which become available due to the flight of thought. It"s possible - mentally fly around the universe and return to Earth with new impressions. Is it not for them we travel through countries and continents? In our galaxy alone, there can be several thousand worlds. And in the universe of myriad galaxies like ours. This makes it possible to think that we are not alone, just the great distances make it difficult dialogue among civilizations. "
Participant in international, Russian, regional, urban exhibitions. Has held five solo exhibitions.

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