Born in 1972 in the town of Kamensk-Uralsky, Sverdlovsk region. 1982 - 87 he trained at childrens art school in Kamensk-Uralsky. 1987 - 1991 - student Sverdlovsk art College. 1992 - 2000 - student state academic Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture named after.And.E.Repin.( Academy of fine arts,workshop Sokolov.In.In). 1994 - 1995 - worked at the invitation of a private gallery”New West", Berlin. 2005 - 2006: Teaching at the state University Leah, Beijing. 2006 - Expedition to the ancient region Samba(Shaanxi province),in the mountainous region R. Hwange. 2008 - 2nd expedition to the ancient region Samba (Shaanxi province),in the mountainous region R. Hwange. Member Of Artists Union Of Russia (St. Petersburg). Her paintings are in private collections in Germany, France, USA, China, New Zealand, and also in the private collection of the Duke of Saxony, Prince Michael.