На Русский

Rudnik Mihail Markovich

Born in Vladimir. He studied at the art school for children, graduated from Art-graphic faculty of the Vladimir state pedagogical Institute, learned the art in the Studio of young artists under the guidance of renowned graphic artist Vladimir Boris order. The fate of not just tore the artists brush, but again and again with more energy and it is included in the art with the head, giving the viewer original pictorial solutions. A member of the creative Union of Russian artists and the International art Fund. Successfully exhibited at numerous exhibitions in Russia, Europe, the Middle East and the United States.
The author distinguishes the ability to see in the normal routine of the old town, the noise of the European capitals, on the deserted beaches of the far Islands of bright, sometimes unexpected, colors, and images. The viewer attract pure color, realism works, and portraits and genre scenes of extraordinary tenderness and love for people.

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