На Русский

Lanskiy Valeriy Petrovich

Born November 24, 1937 in Siberia in the family of an artillery officer, killed in the war in 1943. He graduated from high school with honors, medical school with honours, postgraduate studies and defended his thesis and worked as a teacher and researcher in Moscow universities. Full speed advanced doctoral dissertation. But the work does not bring satisfaction. And then one day at the cottage completely intuitive carved pocket knife wood mask. And the soul is GOOD! Realized what was missing! From this time began to retire, doing woodcarving and painting. Soon the scientific work began to interfere. Dropped it and gave herself completely to the art. But the Soviet reality was such that soon was called to the police and warned that if I didnt get a formal job, then go to jail as a parasite! Told not hostile and article showed (so up to 2 years), so all the LAW! From that time until 1989 he worked as a doctor in the clinic on a part time or night watchman, so there was still time for creativity. Then there were the street and Park openings, the Union of graphic artists, later renamed the International Federation of artists. Since 1994 when I live in Germany, so there were family circumstances.
I am convinced that the artist in any form reflects the environment, filtered through your inner world. Changing the environment changes and the artist. Abroad Russian artists change. Some find their new topic and let the other, but your style, and others not. The first group are known Roerich, Kandinsky, Jawlensky. Second - Malyavin. In Russia, he wrote gorgeous Russian women in red, and abroad were interrupted by the usual portraits. Did not escape this fate and me. In Russia, I gravitated to the naive, wrote the modified path, but the splint, original Russian folk art, and the German environment dictates the other images and the style. That was it - not for me to judge...
A participant in exhibitions in Russia, Germany and Italy. Personal exhibitions in Germany. Works are in private collections in many countries of the world and some of the museums in Germany.
As for SATISFACTION, it was not, and no! But there is a completely different matter...

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