На Русский

Abramov Aleksey Georgievich

Born in Moscow in 1960. He studied at the University. Baptized в1980году. In 1981, came out of the Komsomol. Graduated with distinction average arts and technical school in cabinetry Worked as a restorer at the Tretyakov gallery and Ostankino Palace. Produced Church plate and iconostases. Engaged in the restoration in Berlin and Washington. Member of the International Federation of artists to UNESCO and the International Union of designers. In 1997 a solo exhibition of carved icons in the Russian school. Is the winner of the competition designers. In 2005 he published the book Alexey "Notes Carver or in search of the Golden mean". He has regularly exhibited in Central house of artists. Works together with his wife Leah Kokaya, painter, iconographer and restorer.

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