На Русский

Nelyubovich Igor

Igor Nelyubovich was born 24 July 1948 in Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod).
From 1959 to 1963 he studied at the art school at the Gorky art College.
С1963 to 1966 he studied at the Gorky art College. Early realizing the situation of art in the USSR, decided not to continue his artistic education. Passing external exams in high school, in 1966 he enrolled in the Architecture faculty of the Gorky engineering construction Institute.

From 1971 to 1973 – lecturer, Department of architectural engineering.
Since 1973 lives in Leningrad. Worked in the design organizations of the city, successfully participated in various competitions. Studied painting, graphics, design. Member of the Union of architects of the USSR.
In architecture the situation was not very different from the situation in the visual arts and in 1985 Igor Nelyubovich has thrown the respectable life of a successful architect and started working in the boiler room as a fireman, in his spare time doing paintings. This continued until 1991.

Since 1991 freelance artist.
С1999 a member of the Union of artists of Russia.

Now Nelyubovich has cooperated with Agora gallery in new York.

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