На Русский

Dulatov Stanislav

Born in 1980 in Leningrad. Since 1991 studied in the 8th art school. In 1993 he enrolled in the 6th grade of the Secondary Art School named after B. V. Ioganson, where he studied till 1999. Since 1999, he entered the faculty of fine arts at the Russian State Pedagogical University. In 2002 he entered the St. Petersburg academic Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture named after. I. E. Repin. Studied with Covina A.V., Kravtsova, I. M., Repin S. N., in the Studio of monumental painting under the guidance of A. A. Mylnikov.
The authors works are in public and private collections of Russia — GMZ "Pushkinskiye Gory", Vologda State Historical-Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve, Nimah - research Museum of the Academy of Arts of the Russian Federation, the collection of the President of Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev

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